Who says boys hate sewing..this little boy sure had fun sewing up his prim little bear...Whilst making up some goodies for my Christmas in July post my youngest son Finley asked if he could sew up something on the sewing machine..I was a bit nervous at first but he waited and waited for me to finish up my Santas and whilst waiting chose his fabric and dipped into my own pattern folder and picked out a pattern..I cleared all my equipment away so I could give him all my attention..Together we pinned the pattern pieces to the fabric..I set the sewing machine to snail pace and off he went carefully sewing around every piece..sometimes I had to look away when his little fingers wavered a bit close to the needle but he did great and was very pleased with the stitchin' he had done..
Much to his dismay I did insist on cutting around his prim bear shapes..Next he took great care and patience turning each piece and then stuffing them all with wadding...
He neatly slip stitched his arms and legs closed ready for them to be attached..The only bit I helped with was attaching the head as his little hands weren't big enough to hold it all bless him..
We decided that button attaching the arms and legs would be better for his little bear as he could move them up and down..again I only held these in place whilst he sewed on the buttons and only narrowly escaping a few near miss stabbings with the large doll needle LOL..
Patiently and with great care he sewed on the nose following my instruction and then the teenie bead eyes...
He was almost done..but like all prim Artists he needed that individual look for his bear and Finley dived straight into my embellishments drawers and found a little wooden tag on which her wrote the name *TOOT* and a little rusty prim whistle..
He was all done now..Finley is not keen on the lovely prim aroma of coffee and spices and wanted his bear to sleep in his bed so no prim grubby treatment for his bear..I must say though this bear has been everywhere and as Finley rides off on his bike I can see TOOT peeking out of his pocket..TOOT is one week old now and has started to take on a natural prim grubby look LOL..His fur is becoming matted and felted and his is already grubby around the edges probably caused from being carted around the countryside and cuddled and kissed with grubby hands and mouth...You never know he may become a prim artist but at the moment he is just a little boy who loves his bear...I hope you have enjoyed the story of TOOT the bear because I had real fun spending time with my son and helping to make him...*~*Bessings to all*~*