I have had one of those hang around mornings waiting for a building inspection all to do with our extension couldn't stray far from the bunnies were put on hold and all my chores were done..What to do I was asking myself..
Now last year I saw a tutorial on a blog whilst hopping about and thought then I must try that..well living in the U.K sometimes has it draw backs like NOT being able to get the supplies needed for a project you are desperate to try LOL..I searched and searched for the Krylon mirror paint needed and drew a blank each time..every now and then I would undertake another search until finally a scored big time and found the much needed mirror paint..YIPPEE I was thrilled..
To create an antique effect mirror all you need is: KRYLON MIRROR PAINT..WATER IN A SPRITZER AND OF COURSE A FRAME WITH GLASS..
I bought this great door style frame in the summer but just never wanted to put pics into it..this was perfect..
Remove the glass and clean it to remove any grease residue..
Next spritz the glass with water and spray a fine layer with your krylon mirror paint..I did 2 fine coats..leave to dry about an hour..
Replace glass into frame..the back of my frames were black which was perfect as this showed through the paint giving it a real antique look..On the tutorial I saw they used patterned fabric which gave a very different vintage look..nice though..
Lastly I found a little old key to push in the faux lock and a little wax scented heart..
My new makeover antique mirror was done and is now hanging in our shower/wetroom..and I love it..I am now on the lookout for a very large picture frame or an old window so I can create something similar for our family bathroom which is getting a makeover along with the extension..
Well after that the buildings man still hadn't shown up so on the laptop I went and made a new banner for my blog following Brenda's instructions..I just wanted something simple for the Easter season with a well wish for you all..I hope you have enjoyed the tutorial..*Blessings to you all*