This is a speacial day today !!!..I am so proud...We have enjoyed a bank holiday here in the U.K and the weather was perfect...Back in 1941 a lad was born and then brought up by his grandmother and uncle...This man is my father...As a young man he started to write poetry for his 3 young girls and would recite it at bedtime...He was encouraged by his family and friends to enter competitions and brought home to us many a cup or shield from these gatherings..A few years ago he was invited over to the
"COWBOY POETS CONVENTION" in Elko Neveda...which he totally enjoyed...

He has apeared on many radio and tv programmes and also produced a tape a couple of years ago which the procceeds go to the local music and arts..which helps pay and encourage young poeple to take up a musical instrument or follow other fields in the arts...
Today his book and CD were released and he was signing copies at the local fair..As my dad never intended to make any money from the gift god gave him all the proceeds from the poems he wrote will go to the 4 local churches..this also helps with the cost of producing and distibuting a monthly church mag..
This is a pic of him and me today..I just feel so proud of this simple man who only aspired to bring up and nurture his family..encouraging them in every way on their own journeys in life...

A few family members there today giving there support...