I am well and truly on the mend now..After a set back and a bad allergic reaction to the drugs I am feeling more like my normal self..Another week of healing and then stitches out and physio so just a couple of weeks and I will be back in the work race LOL..I am finding it difficult and frustrating just pottering around so have been getting some Fall decorations out to cheer up the place..The weather has turned decidedly cooler and the feel of Autumn is here..I added some decor to my mantle..just a Bittersweet garland, some drieds and a couple of pumpkins from last year that I dried..
Drying the pumpkins wasn't to successful as I did start with 6 various colours and sizes and only had 2 that didn't go bad..On another note I tried everywhere to get some dried Sunflowers..not a one in the length and breadth of the U.K and the lady who had them in the States didn't ship international..So whilst out at the supermarket that week they had them on offer so bought up a few stems..I thought in for a penny in for a pound nothing ventured nothing gained LOL..I looked up on the internet how to dry them and followed the instruction..I didn't even look at then for 3wks and lo and behold when I got them out they were dried to perfection and have kept their wonderful colour..I am thrilled with them..
Next I just popped a few gourds into an old dough bowl and popped it on the table..I love the colours and so simple..
The next display I keep out all year and just move it around now and again..It reminds me of witches cats and they look great in this old painted swing handled basket..
I hope you have enjoyed looking at my little few Fall decorations and I will no doubt be putting a few more out and will share pics then..Hope everyone is having a restful weekend..*~*Blessings*~*XX