I think I must confess that next to bears my next best favourite make are Bunnies...I love making them in all mediums...the blackened beeswax ones smell of sweet chocolate cheesecake and boy do you want to take a nibble..the wool fabric ones take on the lovely olde and worn prim look and I recently tried my hand at needlefelting...this was so much fun but can be a a painful experiance too..those needles are so so sharp LOL..I was instantly hooked and have a few new projects in the making..finally don't you just love the vintage bunny graphics..fantastic for printing on fabric bags filled with blackened beeswax Easter ornies...the pics I have shared with you are items I have available on ebay at the mo...
Click my sidebar ebay link to take a peek...I have been enjoying some barmy Spring weather here in the U.K these past couple of days whilst catching up on orders but rain is on the horrizon..*~*Blessings*~*