I must wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope you all had a wonderful Christmas..I feel a bit like the donkeys tail always bringing up the rear and a few weeks behind everyone else...A month ago I started a new job as a social support worker working with adults who have various levels of learning difficulties..I am working full time doing shift work and I am enjoying the challenges this new roll is bringing whilst still keeping up with my family and their needs and not ignoring my prim friends along the way but I am sure they understand ♥..I have been checking in on my favourite blogs to see what everyone is up to and busy with but sadly not always having the time to comment...When I get into a regular routine I will rectify that LOL..
I am still making my prims in my spare time and running my website..well a prim lovin' artist could never stop doing that..just last week I completed my very first miniature prim teddy bear..I am so thrilled how he turned out and boy is he small just 3" sitting and completely handstitched..I painted him an old look box and popped a grubby heart on the top..well valentines is on the way so hearts are in vogue HA HA..I may become addicted to making these..He is pictured below and available on EBAY this week..
Some more of my bears also available this week..
Well just a quick post to let you all know what I have been busy with and I will be popping back soon with more goings on LOL till then *~*Blessings *~* to all..♥