I have had a trashy weekend so wanted to share what I have been making today... We had a few problems with the bathroom revamp so as much as I wanted too I cannot share pics just yet... well everything can't go smoothly and to top it off all 3 boys have been struck down with a tummy bug..YUK.. Today they are still off school but well on the mend so I have been able to do some crafting.. Like I said in my last post the boys new room decor is going to be simple, country with a vintage twist.. Hard to explain really but I can see it in my head LOL.. . I have a few vintage burlap sacks in my stash and wanted to make a simple rug.. I trawled the net looking for a tutorial and found the perfect one.. Here is the link http://maidenjane.blogspot.co.uk/2010/09/unique-coffee-bag-rug-tutorial.html?showComment=1334858406866I contacted Jane to ask if I could share her tutorial and she sent back a lovely email with a great tip.. The rugs can be very light and slippery on hard floors so she suggested putting some non slip underlay beneath the rug.. I actually glued that to mine with spray adhesive which gives it a heavier feel and now makes it non-slip..