I having been hearing how some of my prim friends have been having some real hot weather of late well all I can say it has been the wettest coldest June in some 12 years here in the U.K.. That has put my remodeling abit behind but girls I want to say I will be sharing some pics next week..For quite a while now I have been working on some new designs in between my day job LOL and would like to share a pic of "DULCI No 3" she is a large old style doll with antique baby boots and I love her.. I even made one for myself which is not the norm for me Ha Ha.. Your will see her in my new updated home pics next week..
This sweet baby is available on ebay this evening GMT.. Thank you for popping by and do call back next week to see the New Me pics..until then enjoy your weekend *~* Blessings*~*

Do you want company there in the U.K.? Your weather sounds wonderful. Here in the deep South is has been so Hot and Dry. No measureable rain in forever and our temps. 100 +. I am NOT a lover of hot weather. Love your sweet baby. She is adorable and I love her baby shoes. Can't wait to see more photos. Have a great weekend.
You aged her perfectly~ :)
Awwww....Dulci No. 3 is ADORABLE, Angi! Love her! Sorry to hear you all have been so cold and wet - we've had a great number of summers like that here as well (in fact they are more the "norm" here than the heat wave we've had this year)....guess neither extreme is fun. Looking forward to the redo photos! Have a great weekend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
Oh my heavens, Dulcy is a must have! She's awesome and right up my alley :) Wow, cold and wet over there ay? This certainly has been a year for peculiar weather.
Dulci is wonderful and so prim perfect. I can just see some little girl dragging her around asking mama to please sew her a new dress from the scraps in the basket. Good job. -Steph-
Hi Angi~
Love Dulci!! She's fabulous!!
Have a wonderful evening~Becky
Dulci is cute and I love her boots! :-) Our weather was very bad too. It feels like Fall already, don't you think?
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