I wanted to share a great make-over that took place this week..The pictures show work in progress..I was given an old pot cupboard a number of years ago which I added some knobs too just to cheer it up and it proved a great storage piece for the kids toys..During a conversation with a great friend of mine Sarah..we thought it would make a great mock DRY SINK..Her hubby is fab at the woodwork and has now made various prim cubbies and shelves for other prim lovers and just loves a challenge I might add...He wanted in on the project..I emailed my measurements off to him and along with Sarah they designed the top and then Steve got to work with the wood and paint...At home at my end I got out my brushes and gave the old cupboard a prim paint job...I had picked up some old black knobs a while back still with their big wooden screws and attached them..I was all done and so was Steve..I just had to sit back and wait for the postie..We started this project on the monday 40 miles apart and the top arrived on thursday..I couldn't wait to get the wrapping off and put the top in place..It was just perfect...All that was left for me to do was add my prim bits..I just know you will agree the old pot cupboard now has a new lease of life..XX..*~*Blessings*~*
Well with all that talk of Valentines..I thought my time had run out...I made my way up to my special place and created a few new prims..the 2 hangers are just perfect for hanging around your prim home..The *Early Cabin Doll* is something special..she is an extreme doll with her worn spots and handstitched patches..she is tiny and only 6" tall sitting and is wearing her grubby smock..tucked into her pocket is a teeny tiny pair of worn patched socks..She is definiatly a gem..I have now added my *NEW PRIMS* to my site and I will be busy working on my patterns this week.. these 3 designs will be available for you to create yourself..will keep you posted..XX *~*Blessings*~*
Where have the weeks gone since Christmas..it seems the weather picks up a little and we all start thinking of Spring and Easter..I have had those thoughts and have been having some fun with a couple of patterns by Victoria Lynn at Kentucky Prims..The "Peter rabbit" is so grubby and rag stuffed for a great feel and I have given him a little ditty bag filled with sweet Annie topped carrots..he is so cute and charming ..my next project was a little pull-toy..I love these as they represent childrens playthings from days gone by..this "Little Miss Cotton-tail" is an extreme prim and has lavender tuffs stitched to her side..I have stuffed her with sawdust and lavender so she smell great to..They will be added to my site later this week..I think I might have to start on a couple of Valentine items as that will be here before we know it to...XX *~*Blessings*~*
The holidays are all but a memory now and it is time to get back into the workroom (well my hubby has nearly finished it..will post some pics when he is done) and do what I love most...I have been using some great patterns by *Crows Roost Primitives* to create my new prims for my site this month and just love the way they turned out..I have added some pics so you can take a peek..It is big excitement at Lemon Poppies as it it there first yard sale..I was there at the begining and it doesn't seem like nearly a year being part of this fab site..I will surely be checking that out tomorrow and taking the tour..until next time..XX *~*Blessings*~*
I am firstly a wife and mother to my six children and also grandma to 3 gorgeous littleuns..I have crafted as long as I can remember in my childhood and have always sewn..In my teens on leaving school I trained as an industrial sewing machinest and have done this most of my life..when my children were young I made most of their clothes for pleasure and then a dear friend introduced me to Quilting..I have done this for the past 12 years or so and really enjoy it..I loved the American quilt designs which then pointed me in the direction of primitive doll making and have been hooked ever since..I love to go to my workroom and sew..I hope you enjoy your visit with me and sharing my prim ramblings..