With the school holidays just starting over here in the U.K it is a constant battle to occupy the kids from day to day and yes I must admit I like a bit of time-out too..Off we went to the car-boot today which is held on a large rugby field around a 40 minute drive away..Today there must have been 200 cars all with their boots open.. it is just ordinary people selling their unwanted household junk or treasure to others LOL..I have added a pic of my goodies today and can't believe I only spent £10..
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
With the school holidays just starting over here in the U.K it is a constant battle to occupy the kids from day to day and yes I must admit I like a bit of time-out too..Off we went to the car-boot today which is held on a large rugby field around a 40 minute drive away..Today there must have been 200 cars all with their boots open.. it is just ordinary people selling their unwanted household junk or treasure to others LOL..I have added a pic of my goodies today and can't believe I only spent £10..
When I got home the postie had been and left me a note to say I had parcels in the old suitcase.. the hiding place he pops them in when I am out..I opened the first one and it was my goodies from my dear friend Sarah..Oh I love parcels from her..
With the school holidays just starting over here in the U.K it is a constant battle to occupy the kids from day to day and yes I must admit I like a bit of time-out too..Off we went to the car-boot today which is held on a large rugby field around a 40 minute drive away..Today there must have been 200 cars all with their boots open.. it is just ordinary people selling their unwanted household junk or treasure to others LOL..I have added a pic of my goodies today and can't believe I only spent £10..
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
It all started when my very dear friend Sarah was remodelling her sitting room and going for a more colonial look..The window treatment she was after was a swag and tails...she bought the fabric and then asked if I could help and make them up..After scouring many picturetrail pics and flicking through my Country samplers I was still no further forward..The tails were going to be a doddle as I have done these many times..I went over to the Primitive peddler cafe to ask for advise..Everyone was very helpful but there was no easy methods..I even had the sleepless night thinking how I was going to make this swag..Anyway to cut a long story short I just bit the bullet and went for it..I had a simple idea from the internet (that wonderful place) on how to make it..
This is the end result and I must say Sarah is thrilled with them and the design just finishes her new makeover room off..
It all started when my very dear friend Sarah was remodelling her sitting room and going for a more colonial look..The window treatment she was after was a swag and tails...she bought the fabric and then asked if I could help and make them up..After scouring many picturetrail pics and flicking through my Country samplers I was still no further forward..The tails were going to be a doddle as I have done these many times..I went over to the Primitive peddler cafe to ask for advise..Everyone was very helpful but there was no easy methods..I even had the sleepless night thinking how I was going to make this swag..Anyway to cut a long story short I just bit the bullet and went for it..I had a simple idea from the internet (that wonderful place) on how to make it..

Sunday, 25 July 2010
I would like to mention a NEW selling blog opening today..Karen a fellow U.K prim crafter is opening her selling blog and you can go on over and checkout her goodies http://www.oldecottageprimitives.blogspot.com/ or click her button on the sidebar..Good luck to her and her new venture...hope everyone has had a great weekend *~*Blessings*~*to all..XX
With all 143 entries in the seive Elliot, Evie and Christopher lined up for the draw..Elliot pulled out the winner..NATALIE of NATFRACK11..congrats to you Natalie and if you drop me a line with your addy I can get him posted off to you..
Friday, 23 July 2010
Hi there all you prim bloggers..
Just a little reminder that I draw out my Birthday Giveaway winner on sunday..so if you haven't already entered make sure you do so now..
I was so lucky this week to have won the MYSTERY giveaway on casey's blog http://www.oldespoonriverhomestead.blogspot.com and can't wait for it to arrive..I will post some pics then..
I am spending the day looking after my 3 Grandbabies today as their mommy and daddy are away for the day..we are having such fun building and drawing and are off out for a walk soon..My boys are out early from school today as they break up for their summer hols..probably should be laying down now for a rest before the fun begins LOL but will maybe hold on until Septermber when it will be much needed..Wishing everyone GOOD LUCK for the draw on sunday.. hope everyone is well..*~*Blessings*~*
Hi there all you prim bloggers..
Just a little reminder that I draw out my Birthday Giveaway winner on sunday..so if you haven't already entered make sure you do so now..
I was so lucky this week to have won the MYSTERY giveaway on casey's blog http://www.oldespoonriverhomestead.blogspot.com and can't wait for it to arrive..I will post some pics then..

Monday, 19 July 2010
Even though creating Primitives is my first passion I do like to do other crafty things too.. I have been taking a break of late from stitchin' and just concerntrating on my pattern designs..My hands were itchy for some practical work though LOL...I have loved scrappin' all my life and as a child would cut and stick for hours..I have a wide range of images and paper scraps which I just find hard to get rid of so keep them in an old basket and file..My hubby does a bit of painting mostly in the winter months when he can't get out he uses oils so he had some canvass' kicking around..Armed with a couple I dug out my scrappin' bits, glue and inks..then the fun began and I did these pictures and thought I would share with you all..
this one I called "THE KISS"
and this one "TIME"
Oh what fun I had and there was no hurry either as they were left out and I would go back to them from time to time and do a bit more..I just love how they turned out..It is good to do something totally different just for a change..Hope everyone is keeping well *~*Blessings*~*
Even though creating Primitives is my first passion I do like to do other crafty things too.. I have been taking a break of late from stitchin' and just concerntrating on my pattern designs..My hands were itchy for some practical work though LOL...I have loved scrappin' all my life and as a child would cut and stick for hours..I have a wide range of images and paper scraps which I just find hard to get rid of so keep them in an old basket and file..My hubby does a bit of painting mostly in the winter months when he can't get out he uses oils so he had some canvass' kicking around..Armed with a couple I dug out my scrappin' bits, glue and inks..then the fun began and I did these pictures and thought I would share with you all..
Oh what fun I had and there was no hurry either as they were left out and I would go back to them from time to time and do a bit more..I just love how they turned out..It is good to do something totally different just for a change..Hope everyone is keeping well *~*Blessings*~*
Saturday, 10 July 2010
I wanted to share the story of my simple crock candle lamps..I am so lucky to live where I live as I am surrounded by some very talented people..Ann lives 2 doors down from me and walks her dog along the road past my home everyday..She is a retired art teacher and now has her own pottery and art studio..she sells her wares at local craft shops and at the mo her paintings are on exhibition in Italy..I wanted to make a couple of simple crock lamps for my home and mentioned this to her one morning on passing..she said she would be delighted to make the bases for me on the condition I helped..
They started life as a lump of clay and Ann molded them into shape..not an easy task as I discovered..
This is real precision work and I was amazed at how they were formed.
It did take quite a bit of time as they had to rest in between stages..we would call in on our way home from school to see what they were doing..He is Finley my youngest son watching Ann..
They were then dipped in slip to give them the creamy grey colour I was after..
They we rested for another week and then I painted the simple design on the crocks..that didn't take long as you can see only a couple of stokes LOL..
Ann glazed the crocks and fired them..On the morning of my birthday she said they were done but wasn't happy as they had taking on a crackle look..I was absolutely thrilled they looked so worn..perfect I said..I brought them home and fitted my candle lights..
They have tucked in along side my other crocks perfectly and look great..I just love them..Thank you Ann.. Hope everyone is keeping well *~*Blessings*~*
I wanted to share the story of my simple crock candle lamps..I am so lucky to live where I live as I am surrounded by some very talented people..Ann lives 2 doors down from me and walks her dog along the road past my home everyday..She is a retired art teacher and now has her own pottery and art studio..she sells her wares at local craft shops and at the mo her paintings are on exhibition in Italy..I wanted to make a couple of simple crock lamps for my home and mentioned this to her one morning on passing..she said she would be delighted to make the bases for me on the condition I helped..

Sunday, 4 July 2010
To My bloggin' buddies way over the pond in the U.S..have a wonderful Independance Day celebrating with your family and friends..XX
I made this little Uncle Sam to hang in my home today..*~*blessings to all*~*
Thursday, 1 July 2010
CHRISTMAS in JULY collection
Well firstly I would like to thank everyone who sent me their best wishes on my birthday..I did have the most amazing day and received the most gorgeous gifts THANK YOU XX..Now I have just loaded up my website with my *Christmas in July* collection.. so pop on over there and take a peek..

I did post a couple of teaser pics and you can see them in their full glory now..My next project is some new patterns..I have lots of scribbles on the drawing board and just need to organize myself now..It is real hard when the weather is barmy and the kids want to go to the river swimming..Hope you all have a great day..*~*Blessings*~*

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