Tuesday, 27 July 2010


It all started when my very dear friend Sarah was remodelling her sitting room and going for a more colonial look..The window treatment she was after was a swag and tails...she bought the fabric and then asked if I could help and make them up..After scouring many picturetrail pics and flicking through my Country samplers I was still no further forward..The tails were going to be a doddle as I have done these many times..I went over to the Primitive peddler cafe to ask for advise..Everyone was very helpful but there was no easy methods..I even had the sleepless night thinking how I was going to make this swag..Anyway to cut a long story short I just bit the bullet and went for it..I had a simple idea from the internet (that wonderful place) on how to make it..
This is the end result and I must say Sarah is thrilled with them and the design just finishes her new makeover room off..
I am now waiting for the fabric to arrive from Ireland to make some more in this design for her dinning room.. but easy peasy now I know how HA HA..*~*Blessings*~* to all..XX

1 comment:

Christine said...

Angi, you are so multi talented I am amazed! Anything you turn your hand to looks wonderful!
Where would we be without the internet?!!
Have a great evening,